How to Start a New Event at UUI

Do you have an idea for a program or event that you would love to see happen at UUI? Maybe it’s a book discussion group, a craft group, a Dungeons and Dragons® night, a letter writing campaign, or a hike through Eagle Creek. This is how it can happen!

Step 1: Fill out the online form

Click the link below to fill out a form with the requested information about your idea and hit submit. Alternatively, you may email your idea to our communications administrator at You will want to include:

  • Your idea for the group/event

  • How often it would meet (e.g., is this a one time event, a weekly group for four weeks, a monthly group in perpetuity, etc?)

  • What days/times it will meet (or if that will be determined later)

  • Whether it would meet on campus, virtually, or both (multi-platform)

  • Who is already on board to lead/facilitate it

  • If you need any special resources to make it happen

Click here to fill out the New Program Request Form

Step 2:

We review your idea to make sure it is consistent with UUI's mission and values and does not duplicate existing programs. We'll reach back out to you if we have questions. If it requires more than nominal resources, the Board or an appropriate committee would need to approve funding.

Step 3:

We advertise your idea in the newsletter, on Slack, the Sunday bulletin, and on our social media. You are also welcome to promote the idea yourself. Invite your friends. Share on your Facebook page. Talk it up at coffee hour!

If you would like to receive information about our upcoming church events at UUI, sign up for our eBlast newsletter!


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